
After nearly seven months in India I've been given new eyes to see through. And although these eyes might not always be the most expressive, not entirely usurping my jaded views, they are nonetheless fresh and inquisitive, and have managed to rejuvenate my long-suppressed traveler's instincts.

Mostly that means that Adam has arrived and that we had a fun weekend slurping up food with our hands, visiting new age cities based on unity AND diversity (and propaganda), and cramming into the front of buses, where our American tushes were warmed by the engine and our American imaginations warmed by the lush scenery and death-nearly-not-defying driving.

Adam also managed to warm my soul, no simply task one might argue, by providing fruits from the outside world--decent quality hard alcohol. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I'm not sure which, I previously learned the hard way that it's difficult to drink a lot in India and not regret it for a lot longer than you appreciate it for, so mostly we've kept our imbibing limited to a few meal-time sips.

It's been nice to feel like an accomplished host, and as I took Adam on the neighborhood tour-- snacks, juice, tape shopping, movie rental, toilet paper, beach, cigarette stall, tailor, dinner, more juice, soda for the booze--I had no choice but to come to terms with my superb navigational skills over this town (large suburb of giant Indian city). Maybe people can intuit this accomplishment somehow, considering I continue to get asked directions by people far more Indian looking than myself.

I remember I spent the first week after I arrived mostly holed-up inside, eating buttered toast and reading guidebooks in an attempt to get a handle on what was happening in the exotic, and chaotic, land beyond the confines of my residence. I've noticed Adam has been experiencing similar symptoms.


Anonymous said...

Impression d’être : un ami imaginaire dont on rêve lorsque, contraint de vivre six mois d’inepties, on ne supporte plus la réalité; un fragment de ton imagination; un simple voile, une illusion qui se dissoudra (autant ne pas laisser de traces). Volatile, incolore, inodore, inconsistant…et surtout invisible…Je ne sais plus qui je suis, je crois que je ne n'existe pas.

Unknown said...

My thoughts EXACTLY.

Audri said...

Everything sounds better in French and everything looks better in the company of a friend.

TaraZachMonster said...

Your video of Adam blew my face up. I have uncontrollable diarrhea and I'm studying for my Parasitology final. When was the last time you had uncontrollable diarrhea?

TaraZachMonster said...

In case of any confusion, Zach has uncontrollable diarrhea. Tara has uncontrollable Zach.