
Music Aficionado from U.S.A. Speaks to Press

After a long day, a day that drags on like its got a flat tire and no spare, followed by a rainy walk home from martial arts class in which you notice bird crap (possibly bat...) on your pants as you take a seat in the restaurant, well, after one of those days not much will cheer you right up.

However, it seems in India small events have a way of delivering a significant impact, and the arrival of the following magazine in the mail, which included the following interview with yours truly, was such a pleasant surprise that I ended up wearing my crapped on pants for nearly a half hour after I got home.

Please note the misspelling of my name, the way that the questions I am responding to are not included along with my answers, how the photo is credited to a professional photographer when my co-worker took it, and the fact that I’ve only been to one musical event in Chennai and may not end up attending another for the duration of my stay.


Anonymous said...

maestros past got nothin on this maestro! oh i went there! whooo!

Anonymous said...