
Only Vaguely India Related #1- Things that still excite me

I don’t yearn with anticipation for many things—good food, cross-country drives, certain songs, certain people, and, to a strange degree, upcoming movie releases. Early October may be the climax of this movie eagerness, as many films wait until late in the year to premier due to Oscar aspirations and/or the onset of S.A.D in many parts of the country, which I imagine leads seasonally depressed people to go see either uplifting or depressing films depending on what soothes their sun-deprived souls.

Though I am relatively disjointed from this phenomenon here in India (I’m working on building a subcontinental repertoire) I still managed to come across the Entertainment Weekly fall movie premier yesterday in the neighborhood bookstore. I was happily surprised to find the approaching release of some solid looking films. Not to set myself up for grave disappointment—Zodiac, Nacho Libre, recent John Cusak films, anything involving superheroes, anything with a tantalizing preview that builds expectations for more but in reality includes all the worthwhile scenes of the film, anything that makes me realize I’m not the immature adolescent I used to be (Jim Carrey)—here’s a list of a few that struck the right chords:

-No Country for Old Men; an adaptation of a Cormac McCarthy novel starring Tommy Lee Jones and directed by the Coen Brothers.

-A new Noah Baumbach film, the director of the superb the Squid and the Whale. Forget the name, starring some famous people.

-Something about Oil in 19th Century California, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.

-The new George Clooney movie about corporate politics. Good reviews.

-And, most surprisingly good-looking, Ben Affleck’s directorial debut starring his younger brother Casey.

Anyways there were certainly more and they all had names; unfortunately trivial trivia has never been my strong point. I recommend scanning an Entertainment Weekly briefly in the checkout line of your local whatever. And who knows, I may even get to see some of these on DVD before they make it to theatres—Superbad was in our local video store way back in late August.


K Badger said...


K Badger said...

Ari, Sorry I haven't written in a while. Part of the problem is the Blogger. Once it accepted my name and password, and the next two times it would not....
Anyway, we all read your posts here in beautiful uptown Rio Rancho. They inspire rides along the river, followed by stops at coffee shops. And on the journey itself, whenever I see what the horses have left behind, I ask: I wonder what Ari would think of that....Or perhaps; Would Zach like to examine it? As for me, I'm blissfully happy during those rides, because it is the only physical activity that doesn't hurt. ...Today I rode alone and met Claudia & Co (including her parents now here on a visit) at the Shot Dead Star near Alameda. tomorrow, we will meet 'parents of Lance' in beautiful downtown Corrales for breakfast. I'll ride alone again...And tonight? Greg pseudo-Ireland is celebrating his 50th birthday.