
beware of 24

I thought I would upgrade my brother's comment to post status. The first one to post (comment) the answers shall be rewarded with the same. Let the birthday-celebration excitement ensue!

Happy Born-Day broaridudebro. 24 years old. Like all budding 24-year olds, you must now try to figure out the below "24" math problems (remember that game I played in Elementary School?)

The rules:
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide the four given numbers to get 24. You must use all four numbers, and you can only use each once.


3 6 2 3

1st step: 3x6 = 18
2nd step: 2x3 = 6
3rd step: 18+6 = 24


9 3 8 2

6 5 3 3

4 1 2 2

7 9 2 8

Good luck.
Also, I'm still waiting for an e-mail.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here are the first four (see zach's follup comment for more fun with ari's age)

(9-3)*2+8 = 24
(5*3)+6+3 = 24
(4*2)*(2+1) = 24
2*(7+9) + 8 = 24

You'll get your e-mail soon