
Christian threw his passport in the trashcan five minutes before heading to Africa.

Christian threw his passport in the trashcan five minutes before heading to Africa. Everyone at the driving range was Korean. China has only one time zone. Twenty-six-year-old Polish physics majors sometimes bun you CDs with “Enigma” on them.

Biking through rush-hour traffic feels like smoking 5 packs of cigarettes. I’ve been to 11 countries in my life. Change is good. Change is bad. How did the world go’ round without cell phones?

Christian came all the way back from the airport to find his passport in the trashcan. Today is one of my best childhood friend’s 24th birthdays. We hugged for the first goodbye but shook hands for the second.

In elementary school I memorized the name and capital of every country in Africa. If you’re in Western China and you cross the border time must skip about 5 hours. We don’t talk anymore but we are friends on facebook. There’s things I can’t say in this blog because certain people are probably reading it.

I’ve never seen Casablanca, but I’ve rented it twice. We have two Rough Guides to South India and one for all of India. Diwali, the Hindu New Year, is this Thursday. Indian fireworks lack a visual aspect, but they make up for it in sound. The louder the better the more celebratory. A person can get used to anything.

Kingfisher is the only beer for sale in this state and also the most luxurious Indian airline, same owner. Christian says it’s “so legit” and that they give you menus and scarves. Everyone just watches bad movies in planes now, as if they needed an excuse. Sometimes I think in song lyrics. Sometimes I sing my thoughts. Sometimes I sing songs.

The first song I memorized all the lyrics too was “Self-Esteem” by Offspring; Christian played that song this weekend without knowing this. We sang along. He’s going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, which apparently only takes 7 days and thousands of people do it every year. But do it soon, the ice cap is determined to leave. Sometimes I find it hard to justify not devoting my life to saving the environment, the other times I find it too depressing.

Toilet paper is a waste. Auto rickshaws are a waste. Jealousy is a waste…The pollution made Sarah feel sick the whole time she was here. At least that’s what she thought. Half the world seems to be flooding or burning. Tara books is having a seasonal promotion; free shipping and free gift wrapping, a free note from Ari if you request. Don’t throw your passport in the trashcan. Not yet.


jesse malmed said...

this was a great entry. thanks for boggling.

Unknown said...

devoting your life doesn't mean devoting every moment of it.

I liked this.
in fact, I still do.

Anonymous said...

why did he throw his passport in the trashcan. i don't get it.


Anonymous said...


Alex Cref said...


Anonymous said...

i mean (jeremy)